A clear and person centred approach to care
A clear and person centred approach to care
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At Shelley Park we make a difference.
Find out more about Shelley Park Neuro Care Centre
Who we are:
Shelley Park is a family owned and long-established progressive specialist neurological care and rehabilitation facility in Bournemouth. We first opened our doors in 1985 gaining extensive experience in the delivery of complex neurological care and rehabilitation.
We provide a warm, comfortable and supportive atmosphere for our residents. Our team is trained to support/care for individuals with complex needs. We also offer respite care and supported transitional living.
We are registered with the Care Quality Commission, accepting both male and female, over 18.

What we do:
Why choose Shelley Park?
The Shelley Park model consists of a Complex pathway, a Palliative pathway and a Transitional pathway. These include step down units based in the community at various locations within Dorset subject to the individual’s needs.
Shelley Park offers specialist care, treatment and rehabilitation for adults with neurological disability resulting from conditions such as acquired/traumatic brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Huntington’s disease, Cerebral Vascular Event or spinal injury. We also offer placements for individuals with diagnoses of:
Progressive Degenerative Conditions
Physical Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Behavioural Impairment
Complex Nursing Care Needs
We are located within a thriving community which allows the promotion of independence and return to community where possible. We aim to offer daily community access to all our residents. This results in shorter admission on our transitional pathway. We also have an independent living flat based on the main campus which allows a thorough assessment to tailor a person-centred discharge plan, to ensure long-term success.

Our Team:
Find out more about the diverse roles that makes up Shelley Park's team
Our multidisciplinary team is directly involved in the initial assessment process prior to admission. The interdisciplinary team meets regularly to coordinate and review individual progress in relation to goal planning and overall progress within the individual's Rehabilitation or Care Pathway.
Professionals involved are:
The interdisciplinary team include:
Specialist Neuro-nursing
Clinical Neuropsychology
Specialist Speech and language therapy
Music therapy
Neuro-Occupational therapy
Therapeutic art and Specialist neuro-rehabilitation assistants.
The interdisciplinary team liaises closely with external consultants and organisations in relation to the specific needs of our residential, day service and community based clients.
At Shelley Park we are fortunate in being an accredited work placement centre for Bournemouth University. Nursing and Therapy students are placed with us on a regular basis. We place a high emphasis on induction and training, and have a well established and successful education and training programme in place.